Design by Retno Ayu Tantriyati
casual clothes made by students SMKN 1 Buduran Sidoarjo is indeed no less attractive with clothes made by the hands of experts and women's clothing brands are popular, given the design was made to make it more beautiful casual wear as well-known artist.
fashion woman with a background of light blue fabric with a beautiful ornament shaped purple orchid flower arrangements make these clothes as if alive. all because of the skills of a student who is very professional in terms of making women's clothing designs and not just that only with the existence of these two designs form the clothing is very diverse because of the skill and imagination in composing ability is then a student fashion like this can be noted appreciation to him for with the skills that are very good like this, the clothing provided to the public also be set as well because with the new ideas in making clothes and knick-knacks stringing beautifully dressed in clothes makes trends more diverse and progressively increased foreign exchange gains when it comes to clothing they get into another country.