Basic Pattern Making Skirt

Description pattern front skirt
Drawing skirt pattern starting from point A.
A - B = length skirt. A - C = high hip. A - A1 = ¼ waist circumference plus 4 cm (3 cm to large pleated coup, 1 cm to distinguish pattern size pattern degan rear face).
A1 - A2 = 1.5 cm.
Connect A with A1 as the picture (the waistline).
A - D = 1 / 10 waist. D - D1 = 3 cm.
At the center line between D and D1 made a straight line until the boundary line C with C1 (the pelvis).
D - D1 = 12 cm. C - C1 = ¼ hip circumference plus 1 cm. B - B1 = C - C1. B1 - B2 = 3 cm. B2 - B3 = 1.5 cm.
Connect A1 to C1 form the hip line and from C1 to B3. Connect B to B3 as the picture (bottom line skirt.)
Description of the rear skirt pattern
Drawing rear skirt pattern similar to the way meggambar front skirt pattern. The difference lies only in waist circumference and hip circumference. Measuring waist circumference and hip circumference size larger pattern of the face 2 cm from the pattern of the back.
But the shape of the side line, waist line and bottom-line skirt with front skirt pattern. For those reasons, the pattern of the rear skirt is made from the front skirt pattern. To distinguish it enough to move the center line of the face amount of 2 cm by measuring from A to E the same as from B to F is 2 cm, connecting point E to F with the straight line (line center back).
If you want to have the pattern front and rear patterns on different paper, preferably one of the skirt pattern moved. Should the transferred pattern is the pattern of the back, thus on the front skirt pattern also found the back of the pattern. In moving the pattern to note the midline behind the pattern should be in a straight position, the waistline and side-line skirt shape must be equal to the original.